Piano lessons can be a wonderful blessing in the life of a child. Learning to make music at the piano has numerous advantages - you have probably read about many studies that show how music helps children do well in school. Aside from the many academic and cognitive advantages, music study encourages creativity, hard work and perseverance. Music also has many social and emotional benefits. Playing the piano can be an amazing outlet for a child to express themselves. I believe that music and the piano helped me to overcome shyness as a young child. Music is a joy and a blessing in the life of a child, and when the innate musical abilities of a child are fostered and molded by a caring and experienced teacher, the student will have the ability to make music for life. Here is a neat infographic that describes many of the benefits of piano lessons.
I also love this article that discusses cognitive, behavioral and social and emotional benefits of piano lessons:
Science Just Discovered Something Amazing About What Childhood Piano Lessons Did to You
How many adults do you know who took piano lessons as a child regret taking piano lessons? On the contrary, when I talk to adults about piano lessons, time and time again I hear "I wish I wouldn't have quit piano lessons as a child." Many people take beginning piano lessons, but sadly a lot of them don't get past the beginning levels of study. There is a vast range in the experience and quality of piano teachers out there, and many people with a little bit of piano experience think that they can teach just beginning levels of piano. In my experience, in many ways it takes more experience, more knowledge and more diligence to teach beginners than any other level. The technical and musical skills that a piano student is taught during the very first lessons will become habits that will be very hard to change later. Here are some good articles about choosing a piano teaching:
6 Reasons Why Selecting a Good Piano Teacher is Vital
How to Choose the Best Piano Teacher for Your Child
People are sometimes surprised at the cost of piano lessons. Just as there is a great range of teachers as far as quality, experience, etc., there is a very big range in cost of piano lessons. It's always good to remember that you get what you pay for. These articles are great resources for learning more about the cost of piano lessons:
What Does a Piano Lesson Cost?
Why Are Piano Lessons So Expensive?