Studio Notes - August 2010

I am so excited to be moving to San Antonio and starting up my piano studio in (what I have heard) is a wonderful city! (As of writing this, I have not yet even been to Texas! I am definitely excited for the new adventure.) I have had successful piano studios in Holladay, Utah and Provo, Utah, and am very excited to start it up again with a great group of talented students.

I will be teaching in the afternoons on Mondays through Thursdays, and will also have early evening times available for shared adult lesson times (see my Studio Policy for more information). As the studio fills up, I will have more information on upcoming events and recitals. I will also distribute a student phone list so students will be able to switch lesson times in the event of sickness or other cancellations.

I am excited about this blog, which is for my students and their parents (a log-in is required to access the blog). Please check back frequently for studio news, updated resources and links and photos and videos from studio recitals!

Welcome to my piano studio! I am excited for a great semester!

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